Wednesday, March 1, 2017

goodbye KP Bandar SP


currently i m working at KP UTC SP. i was supposed to lapor diri at KP UTC SP on 19 Feb 2017. tp sebab ada appt cucuk vaccine aulea, so minta tangguh 20 Feb 2017. sedih jugak.. sebab tetiba dapat arahan kena p dalam masa terdekat plak tu. in few days ja.. xsempat nk prepare mentally. tried to ask my SDO minta tangguh tp SDO pn x bleh buat apa sebab arahan from Pej TPKNG.

but ok la think positive, kena transfer pun still dalam SP. just dat i have to adjust myself dengan jadual UTC yg ikut shift.. huhu nasib baik aulea dah besar sikit.. babah dh bleh handle kot anak dara dua org tu kalo umi keja malam. 

actually, baru dapat berita baik yg ummi xpyh oncall dah starting dis yr.. tetiba dapat berita kena p UTC, so xda la rs bersalah sgt x oncall sb p UTC mmg excluded dari oncall pun. hahaha

last punch out at KP Bandar SP 16.2.2018

last day siapkan kerja2 tertunggak before pindah 
Dr Quah invited me for my farewell at KP Bandar SP on 28.2.2017. so i bought them a cake.
Thank you all for all the lessons and memories..

banyak kenangan kt sini, sebab first posting after pindah from JB pn kat sini. xpa lah, anggaplah bekerja di tempat baru tu peluang untuk timba pengalaman baru.. 

till then, see u later. 

will try to update my life working in utc.. hopefully if i have time.. hahaha